Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Bounty Hunter (64x32)

This is Markus the Bounty Hunter. Yes, Mar-k-us. With a "K"(His parents were hippies). Markus is a high-priority bounty hunter. "What is a high-priority bounty hunter?", you may ask: a high-priority bounty hunter is a man that does dirty work in large scale(i.e. political figures, emperors, villages, extermination of entire alien species, etc..), strictly for other important figures Why? Because they can reassure a high payment for completion of the task he has been hired for. We're talking 5-7 figures here. Yeah. Bounty hunters charge a lot, but keep in mind they are risking life in prison to do a task that you are too... um... scared, *cough* pussy, to do yourself.

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